When does PMI get removed from the mortgage?

PMI automatically waives on the date the mortgage is first scheduled to have a LTV of 78% on fixed rate mortgage. This date does not change and is disclosed at the closing.  ARMs will automatically waive when the LTV goes below 78%.  The accounts also must be current before waiving.  PMI can also be waived based on current value of the property.  This option requires an appraisal and is a cost to the borrower.  At this time appraisals are $400.00.  The borrower would need to contact mortgage servicing directly to discuss this option for additional information at 508-895-1550.

What is force place insurance?

Force Place insurance goes into effect when the property fails to provide proof of insurance.  It could be homeowner’s or flood insurance.  A letter cycle will be sent out from our insurance tracking company Miniter to attempt to resolve.  If Miniter is unable to obtain proof of insurance then the force place policy will be purchased at the borrower’s expense and is often 3 times the cost if the borrower gets their own insurance.  Force place insurance can be resolved once evidence of coverage is provided to the mortgage servicing department via fax 508-521-2682 or email mortgageservicing@harborone.com.

What do I do if I switch insurance companies?

It is best to provide the new insurance binder and invoice to the mortgage servicing department as soon as possible.  Borrower should call to inform the servicing department that they are changing carriers at 508-895-1550.  The new information can be faxed to 508-521-2682 or emailed to mortgageservicing@harborone.com.